Hailing from West Bengal, Mukesh Kumar made his mark as a fast bowler in the Vijay Hazare and Syed Mushtaq Ali trophy. His impressive performances in domestic cricket has paved way for a contract in the Indian Premier League. Delhi Capitals drafted Mukesh Kumar in the 2023 IPL auction and he made his IPL debut against Lucknow Super Giants. In the absence of senior players he excelled well in the death overs and performed at crucial stages for the Capitals. In his debut season he picked up seven wickets in 10 matches and is expected to feature regularly in the playing Xi in the upcoming season.
Mukesh Kumar was first picked by Delhi Capitals in the 2023 IPL mega auction for a whopping amount of INR 5.5 crores. His impressive performance in the first season has resulted in Delhi Capitals retaining him for the ahead of the 2024 Indian Premier League auction and his current IPL salary is INR 5.5 crores.